Arrive with Flair. Stay in Luxury.

Established in 1975 by the Deralas family who between them have over 70 years industry experience, Royal Flair have in that time become market leaders in the design and fabrication of high quality caravans for the Australian market. Driven by an undertaking to continually innovate and push the boundaries of what’s technically possible, Royal Flair quickly built a reputation as one of Australia’s premier caravan companies by placing great emphasis on interior detailing combined with a ‘naturally luxe’ approach to interior design form and function.

Their philosophy of ‘small details make a big difference’ consists of attention to finishing’s, fabrics and textures that detail a pursuit of quality that not only resonates in the final design, but the customer service that follows as well. This attention to detail allows Royal Flair to provide its customers with a superior caravan and user experience.

Each customer’s special requirements becomes the basis from which the team conceptualizes its initial ideas while the design team works closely with the client during the initial briefing sessions to help achieve a highly desirable end result.

Ever conscious of the changing needs of their customers, Royal Flair carefully select and design each model to fulfil the growing demands of the Australian touring community and use sustainable and durable materials to ensure their caravans survive the many hostile environments Australia has to offer. It’s been this culture combined with the professionalism of their craftsmen that has underpinned the success of Royal Flair over the last three decades.

Accredited by the Caravan Industry Association of Australia and the only manufacturer certified and endorsed by ISO 9001, Royal Flair offers a vast range of models which include the award winning compact Micron series, the versatile, off-road and custom built AussieMate, the luxurious Van Royce series, the truly unique Piazza and Designer Series and the multi-time award winning Family Flair.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our dealers who work tirelessly to uphold the Royal Flair brand and what it stands for, our customers, who continue to support our products and service and of course, all the staff of Royal Flair who never tire of producing innovative and unique caravans.

Nagambie 2021

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Whether you’re purchasing for the first time or upgrading to newer model, Royal Flair will strive to deliver a truly unique caravan using the very best of today’s interior design ideas and light weight, durable materials. We will aim to respect the purpose of your brief and most importantly, undertake to remain progressive by using the very latest in sustainable and earth friendly materials in all our models.

We believe by applying the requirements of the International Quality Standard AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008 to all phases of our organisation and its operations, our management team and dedicated staff will strive to create a compelling brand by building on our unique promise to design and deliver a customer experience that redefines its’ environment.

At Royal Flair our attention to detail is your guarantee of satisfaction.